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But I need my teeth...
Friday, Sept. 12, 2003,3:32 PM

Last night I had the most frightening nightmare I've ever had.

We were at my grandparents' place, but it seemed like it was back in the day 'cause there was that old goldish couch, and the brown shag carpeting. It was nighttime, and I could somehow just feel that it was winter. My mom and grandparents and and brothers were there. Me and my brothers were as old as we are now, but smaller, as if we were kids. So it all had this feeling of being over at Christmas like we do every year.

We were all carrying on like we used to, when I started to feel this familiar feeling I haven't had since I was a little kid. One of my teeth, my right lateral incisor (the one directly to the right of my two front teeth) started to dully throb, and the gums and socket around it felt like it was moving, like the tooth was becoming loose and moving around in the socket. I got really scared and started to freak out, I was screaming "Oh god, no, someone help me! No! I need my teeth! I can't start losing my teeth, I'm only 21!" I tasted blood, and felt the tooth just sort of fall out into my mouth, then I felt something else in my mouth. I ran to the sink in the other room, thinking I was losing all my teeth. I gently spat the pieces into my hand, and it was just one tooth, but it was cracked in half.

Right then I woke up. It was so vivid, so clear, so coherent and sane. I could actually feel everything, even the pain that was throbbing in the tooth. I had to stick a finger in my mouth to make sure my tooth was still there.

I don't have recurring dreams, just a recurring theme, losing my teeth. I think that's my greatest fear.